Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayınlanan makaleler
Evren C, Evren B. Characteristics of schizophrenic patients with a history of suicide attempt. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2004; 8: 227-234.
Ahmadi J, Sharifi M, Mohagheghzadeh S, Dehbozorgi GR, Farrashbandi H, Moosavinasab M, Firoozabadi A, Pridmore S, Evren C, Busch S, Farash S. Pattern of Cocaine and Heroin Abuse in a Sample of Iranian Population. Reprinted from the German Journal of Psychiatry 2004.
Evren C, Evren B. Self-mutilation in substance dependents and relationship with childhood abuse and neglect, alexithymia and temperament and character dimensions of personality. Drug and Alcohol Dependence 2005; 80(1): 15-22.
Karadag F, Sar V, Tamar-Gurol D, Evren C, Karagoz M, Erkiran M. Dissociative Disorders among Inpatients with Substance or Alcohol Dependency. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2005; 66(10): 1247-53.
Evren C, Barut T, Saatcioglu O, Cakmak D. Axis I Psychiatric Comorbidity Among Adult Inhalant Dependents Seeking for Treatment. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2006; 38(1): 57-64.
Evren C, Kural S, Cakmak D. Clinical Correlates of Childhood Abuse and Neglect in Substance Dependents Addictive Behaviors 2006; 31(3): 475-485.
Evren B, Evren C, Hosafci Guler M. Clinical correlates of alexithymia in patients with fibromyalgia. The Pain Clinic 2006; 18(1): 1-10.
Evren C, Kural S, Erkiran M. Antisocial Personality Disorder in Turkish Substance Dependent Patients and Relationship with Anxiety, Depression and Childhood Abuse History. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Science 2006; 43(1): 40-46.
Evren C, Can S. Clinical Correlates of Dissociative Tendencies in Male Soldiers with Conversion Disorder. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Science 2007; 44(1): 33-39.
Evren C, Sar V, Karadag F, Tamar Gurol D, Karagoz M. Dissociative Disorders among Alcohol-Dependent Inpatients. Psychiatry Research 2007; 152: 233-241.
Evren C, Can S, Evren B, Saatcioglu O, Cakmak D. Lifetime PTSD in Turkish Alcohol Dependent Inpatients: Relationship with Depression, Anxiety and Erectile Dysfunction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2006; 60(1): 77-84.
Evren C, Kural S, Cakmak D. Clinical Correlates of Self-Mutilation in Turkish Male Substance Dependent Inpatients. Psychopathology 2006; 39(5): 248-254.
Evren B, Evren C, Guler Hosafci M. An open clinical trial of venlafaxine in the treatment of pain, depressive and anxiety symptoms in fibromyalgia. The Pain Clinic 2006; 18(2): 167-173.
Ahmadi M, Ahmadi J, Pridmore S, Porter J, Ghanizadeh A, Benrazavi L, Mahmoodian M, Babaee MA, Kianpour M, Maany I, Evren C, Cakmak D. Substance Use Disorders In Rheumatic Patients. German Journal of Psychiatry 2005, ISSN 1433-1055.
Erkiran M, Özünalan H, Evren C, Aytaçlar S, Kirisci L, Tarter R. Substance Abuse Amplifies the Risk for Violence in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. Addict Behav 2006; 31(10): 1797-805.
Evren C, Evren B. The Relationship of Suicide Attempt History with Childhood Abuse and Neglect, Alexithymia and Temperament and Character Dimensions of Personality in Substance Dependents. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 60(4): 263-269.
Evren C, Evren B, Yancar C, Erkiran M. Temperament and Character Model of Personality Profile of Alcohol- and Drug-Dependent Inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2007; 48(3): 283-288.
Evren B, Evren C. Relationship Between Alexithymia and Social Anxiety in Female Outpatients with Dermatological Disorder Presenting for Psychiatric Consultation. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings 2007; 14(3): 258-265.
Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Ozcelik B, Oncu F. Childhood Abuse and Neglect as a Risk Factor for Alexithymia in Adult Male Substance Dependent Inpatients. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2009; 41(1): 85-92.
Evren C, Sar V, Evren B, Semiz U, Dalbudak E, Cakmak D. Dissociation and Alexithymia Among Men With Alcoholism. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 40-47.
Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E. Alexithymia and personality dimensions in relation to depression and anxiety in male alcohol-dependent inpatients. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 2008; 13: 3-10.
Evren C, Sar V, Dalbudak E, Oncu F, Cakmak D. Social anxiety and dissociation among male patients with alcohol dependency. Psychiatry Research 2009; 165: 273-280.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Cakmak D. Personality Dimensions in Treatment-Seeking Early-Onset Male Alcohol Dependents. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Science 2009; 46: 204-206.
Evren C, Sar V, Evren B, Dalbudak E. Self-Mutilation among Male Patients with Alcohol Dependency: the Role of Dissociation. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2008; 49(5): 489-495.
Evren C, Sar V, Dalbudak E. Temperament, Character and Dissociation among Detoxified Male Inpatients with Alcohol Dependency. Journal of Clinical Psychology 2008; 64: 717-727.
Evren C, Kose S, Sayar K, Ozcelik B, Borckardt JP, Elhai JD, Cloninger CR. Alexithymia and temperament and character model of personality in alcohol-dependent Turkish men. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 371–378.
Tamar-Gurol D, Sar V, Karadag F, Evren C, Karagoz M. Childhood emotional abuse, dissociation, and suicidality among patients with drug dependency in Turkey. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2008; 62: 541–548.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Durkaya M, Cetin R, Evren B. Interaction of Life Quality with Alexithymia, Temperament and Character in Male Alcohol Dependent Inpatients. Drug and Alcohol Review 2010; 29: 177-183.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Cetin R, Durkaya M, Evren B. Relationship of Alexithymia and Temperament and Character Dimensions with Lifetime Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Male Alcohol Dependent Inpatients. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2010; 64: 111-119.
Evren C, Sar V, Dalbudak E, Durkaya M, Cetin R, Evren B, Cakmak D, Ertem-Vehid H. Childhood Trauma and Psychopathology among Alcohol Dependent Men: No Interaction with Temperament and Character. Psychopathology 2011; 44(1): 34-39.
Evren C, Sar V, Dalbudak E, Cetin R, Durkaya M, Evren B, Celik S. Lifetime PTSD and quality of life among alcohol-dependent men: Impact of childhood emotional abuse and dissociation. Psychiatry Research 2011; 186: 85-90.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Evren B, Cetin R, Durkaya M. Self-mutilative behaviors in male alcohol dependent inpatients and relationship with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Research 2011; 186: 91-96.
Evren C, Durkaya M, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Cetin R. Relationship of relapse with impulsivity, novelty seeking and craving in male alcohol dependent inpatients. Drug and Alcohol Review 2012; 31(1): 81-90.
Evren C, Cinar O, Evren B, Celik S. Self-mutilative behaviors in male substance-dependent inpatients and relationship with anger and aggression: mediator effect of childhood trauma. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2012; 53(3): 252-258.
Evren C, Cinar O, Evren B, Celik S. History of suicide attempt in male substance dependent inpatients and relationship with borderline personality features, anger, hostility and aggression. Psychiatry Research 2011; 190(1): 126-131.
Evren C, Cınar O, Evren B. Relationship of Alexithymia and Dissociation with Severity of Borderline Personality Features in Male Substance Dependent Inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2012; 53(6): 854-859.
Evren C, Cagil D, Ulku M, Ozcetinkaya S, Gokalp P, Cetin T, Yigiter S. Relationship between defense styles, alexithymia, and personality in alcohol-dependent inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2012; 53(6): 860-867.
Evren C, Cinar O, Evren B, Celik S. Relationship of self-mutilative behaviors with severity of borderline personality, childhood trauma and impulsivity in male substance dependent inpatients. Psychiatry Research 2012; 200(1): 20-5.
Evren C, Cinar O, Evren B, Ulku M, Karabulut V, Umut G. The mediator roles of trait anxiety, hostility, and impulsivity in the association between childhood trauma and dissociation in male substance-dependent inpatients. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2013; 54(2): 158-66.
Evren C, Ozcetinkaya S, Ulku M, Cagil D, Gokalp P, Cetin T, Yigiter S. Relationship of defense styles with history of childhood trauma and personality in heroin dependent inpatients. Psychiatry Research 2012; 200(2-3): 728-733.
Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Ugurlu H, Yildirim FG. Relationship of internet addiction severity with depression, anxiety, and alexithymia, temperament and character in university students. Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2013; 16(4): 272-278.
Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Yıldırım FG, Ugurlu H. Alexithymia and personality in relation to social anxiety among university students. Psychiatry Research 2013; 209(2): 167-72.
Dalbudak E, Evren C, Topcu M, Aldemir S, Coskun KS, Bozkurt M, Evren B, Canbal M. Relationship of Internet addiction with impulsivity and severity of psychopathology among Turkish university students. Psychiatry Res 2013; 210(3): 1086-1091.
Bozkurt M, Evren C, Can Y, Evren B, Cetingok S, Yilmaz A. Relationships of Personality Dimensions with Impulsivity in Alcohol Dependent Inpatient Men. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 68(5): 316-322.
Evren C, Bozkurt M, Cetin T, Karabulut V, Evren B. Illicit use and diversion of buprenorphine/naloxone among patients in buprenorphine/naloxone maintenance treatment in Istanbul, Turkey. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl 2014; 16(1): 25-34.
Dalbudak E, Evren C. The relationship of Internet addiction severity with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder symptoms in Turkish University students; impact of personality traits, depression and anxiety. Compr Psychiatry 2014; 55(3): 497-503.
Evren C, Evren B, Bozkurt M, Can Y. Non-suicidal self-harm behavior within the previous year among 10th-grade adolescents in Istanbul and related variables. Nord J Psychiatry 2014; 68(7): 481-7.
Evren C, Evren B, Bozkurt M. Tobacco use among 10th grade students in Istanbul and delated variables. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2014; 8: 69–75.
Evren C, Ogel K, Bozkurt M, Evren B. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Versions of the Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT) and the Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) in the Prison Setting. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 2014; 46(2): 140-146.
Dalbudak E, Evren C. The Impact of Childhood Traumas, Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms on the Relationship between Borderline Personality Features and Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms in Turkish University Students. Nord J Psychiatry 2015; 69(1): 42-47.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Evren B, Can Y, Umut G. The severity of attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and its relationship with lifetime substance use and psychological variables among 10th grade students in Istanbul. Compr Psychiatry 2014; 55(7): 1665-1670.
Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Evren B. The severity of Internet addiction risk and its relationship with the severity of borderline personality features, childhood traumas, dissociative experiences, depression and anxiety symptoms among Turkish university students. Psychiatry Res 2014; 219(3): 577-582.
Bozkurt M, Karabulut V, Evren C, Seker M, Kan H. Intravenous abuse of tropicamide in opioid use disorder: Presentation of two cases. Substance Abuse 2015; 36(2):170-173.
Evren C, Yilmaz A, Bozkurt M, Can Y, Umut G, Evren B. Motor impulsivity discriminated relapsed male heroin dependents from those who were still in buprenorphine maintenance treatment at the 12-month follow-up. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl 2014; 16(4): 49-56.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Evren B, Demirci AC. High risk of internet addiction and its relationship with lifetime substance use, psychological and behavioral problems among 10(th) grade adolescents. Psychiatr Danubina 2014;26(4): 330-339.
Evren C, Evren B, Bozkurt M, Ciftci Demirci A. Effects of Life-time Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug use on Psychological and Behavioral Problems among 10th grade students in Istanbul. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health 2015; 27(4): 405-413.
Ciftçi Demirci A, Erdoğan A, Yalçın O, Yıldızhan E, Koyuncu Z, Eseroğlu T, Onder A, Evren C. Sociodemographic characteristics and drug abuse patterns of adolescents admitted for substance use disorder treatment in Istanbul. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2015; 41(3): 212-219.
Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Taymur İ, Evren B, Topcu M. The impact of sensation seeking on the relationship between attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms and severity of Internet addiction risk. Psychiatry Res 2015; 228(1): 156-161.
Evren C, Evren B. Energy-drink consumption and its relationship with substance use and sensation seeking among 10th grade students in Istanbul. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2015; 15: 44–50.
Evren C, Umut G, Bozkurt M, Evren B, Agachanli R. Mediating role of childhood emotional abuse on the relationship between severity of ADHD and PTSD symptoms in a sample of male inpatients with alcohol use disorder. Psychiatry Res 2016; 239: 320-324.
Bozkurt M, Evren C, Umut G, Evren B. Relationship of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptom severity with severity of alcohol-related problems in a sample of inpatients with alcohol use disorder. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 2016; 12; 1661-1667.
Evren C, Umut G, Alniak I, Carkci O, Karabulut V, Cetin T, Evren B, Agachanli R. Relationship linking ADHD symptoms with severe dissociative experiences and PTSD symptoms in a sample of inpatients with alcohol use disorder. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 2016; 18(4s1): 11-18.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Umut G, Bozkurt M, Evren B, Agachanli R, Teksin-Unal G. Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the National Stressful Events Survey for PTSD-Short Scale in a Sample of Inpatients with Alcohol Use Disorder. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 2016; 18(4s1): 19-26.
Evren C, Yilmaz Cengel H, Bozkurt M, Evren B, Umut G, Agachanli R. Psychometric Properties of the Turkish Versions of the Cannabis Use Problems Identification Test (CUPIT) and the Adult Cannabis Problems Questionnaire (CPQ). J Psychoactive Drugs. 2017; 49(1): 83-89.
Evren C, Umut G, Evren B. Relationship of self-mutilative behaviour with history of childhood trauma and adult ADHD symptoms in a sample of inpatients with alcohol use disorder. ADHD Atten Def Hyp Disord 2017; 9(4): 231-238.
Umut G, Evren C, Alniak I, Karabulut V, Cetin T, Agachanli R, Evren B. Relationship between impulsivity and antisocial personality disorder, severity of psychopathology and novelty seeking in a sample of inpatients with heroin use disorder. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 2017; 19(6): 65-72.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Ozen S, Evren B. The relationship of social anxiety disorder symptoms with probable attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Turkish university students; impact of negative affect and personality traits of neuroticism and extraversion. Psychiatry Res 2017; 254 (1): 158-163.
Umut G, Evren C, Cansiz A, Akkus M, Karamustafalioglu N. Serum NUCB2/nesfatin-1 levels in different stages of alcohol dependence: Is there a relationship with craving? Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(1): 94-99.
Evren C, Karabulut V, Alniak I, Umut G, Cetin T, Evren B, Agachanli R. Relationship between self-mutilative behaviour and novelty seeking, the presence of antisocial and borderline personality disorders, and severity of psychopathology in a sample of male patients with Heroin Use Disorder. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems 2018; 20(3): 25-32.
Evren C, Umut G, Bozkurt M, Can Y, Evren B, Agachanli R. Partial mediator role of physical abuse on the relationship between attention‑deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms and severity of dissociative experiences in a sample of inpatients with alcohol use disorder. Indian J Psychiatry 2017; 59(3): 306-312.
Evren C, Umut G, Bozkurt M, Evren B. Relationship of PTSD with impulsivity dimensions while controlling the effect of anxiety and depression in a sample of inpatients with alcohol use disorder. J Dual Diagnosis 2018; 14(1): 40-49.
Evren C, Alniak I, Karabulut V, Cetin T, Umut G, Agachanli R, Evren B. Relationship of Probable Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder with Severity of Psychopathology and Impulsivity in a Sample of Male Patients with Opioid Use Disorder. Psychiatry Investig. 2018; 15(2): 164-171.
Cengel HY, Bozkurt M, Evren C, Umut G, Keskinkilic C, Agachanli R. Evaluation of cognitive functions in individuals with synthetic cannabinoid use disorder and comparison to individuals with cannabis use disorder. Psychiatry Research 2018; 262: 46-54.
Ağaçhanlı R, Alnıak I, Evren C. Sexual Dysfunctions are Predicted by Childhood Sexual Abuse in Women with Opioid Use Disorder. Substance Use & Misuse 2018; 53(13): 2184-2189.
Evren C, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N, Evren B, Pontes HM. Psychometric validation of the Turkish nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short Form (IGDS9-SF). Psychiatry Research 2018; 265: 349–354.
Evren B, Evren C, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Relationship of internet addiction severity with probable ADHD and difficulties in emotion regulation among young adults. Psychiatry Research 2018; 269: 494–500.
Evren B, Evren C, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. The impact of depression, anxiety, neuroticism, and severity of Internet addiction symptoms on the relationship between probable ADHD and severity of insomnia among young adults. Psychiatry Research 2019; 271: 726–731.
Alniak I, Karabulut V, Evren C, Çetin T, Umut G, Agaçhanli R, Evren B. Relationship between syringe sharing and severity of psychopathology, antisocial personality disorder and novelty seeking in a sample of patients with heroin use disorder. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl 2019; 21(3): 7-16.
Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Relationships of Internet addiction and Internet gaming disorder symptom severities with probable attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, aggression and negative affect among university students. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord 2019 11(4): 413-421.
Evren C, Cicikci E, Umut G, Evren B, Durmus K. Relationships of attention‑deficit hyperactivity disorder with defense styles and harm avoidance among male inpatients with alcohol use disorder.Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2019; 61: 584-591.
Can Y, Altunay İK, Mercan S, Evren C, Poşpoş ÖH, Özkur E. Dermatological and psychiatric manifestations in heroin and bonsai use disorder. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl 2020; 22(4): 5-14.
Umut G, Evren C, Atagun MI, Hisim O, Yilmaz Cengel H, Bozkurt M, Keskinkilic C. Impact of At Least 2 Years of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use on Cognitive and Psychomotor Functions Among Treatment-Seeking Male Outpatients. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research 2020; 5(2): 164-171.
Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Measuring anxiety related to COVID-19: A Turkish validation study of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale. Death Studies 2022;46(5):1052-1058.
Karabulut V, Evren C, Alniak I, Carkci OH, Yilmaz Cengel H. The relationship of alexithymia with difficulty in emotional regulation, anxiety, and depression symptoms in a group of patients receiving opioid maintenance treatment. Heroin Addict Relat Clin Probl 2021; 23(3): 13-21.
Evren C, Evren B, Dalbudak E, Topcu M, Kutlu N. Measuring dysfunctional grief due to a COVID-19 loss: A Turkish validation study of the Pandemic Grief Scale Death Studies 2022; 46(1):25-33.
Evren C, Cicekci E, Umut G, Evren B, Durmus Cicek K. The mediating effects of self-esteem and harm avoidance on the association between social anxiety symptoms and adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptom severity in Turkish inpatients with alcohol use disorder. Iran J Psychiatry 2021; 16: 3:281-289.
Mustafaoglu R, Gorek Dilektaslı A, Demir R, Zirek E, Birinci T, Kaya Mutlu E, Evren C, Razak Ozdincler A. Exercise capacity, lung and respiratory muscle function in substance use disorders. Pulmonology 2024 May-Jun;30(3):254-264.
Pontes HM, Montag C, Elhai J, Monteiro AV, Evren C, Throuvala MA, Macur M, McDowall A, Rumpf HJ, Carbonell X, Kuss D, López Fernández O, Griffiths MD. Stigma and Gaming Disorder: Should we take a 'glass half full' or 'glass half empty' perspective? Addiction. 2022;117(6):1816-1817.
Yıldırım YE, Umut G, Evren C, Yeral E, Secerli H. Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of delirium tremens in hospitalized patients with alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol. Alcohol. 2023; 109:43-48.
Aksu S, Soyata AZ, Şeker S, Akkaya G, Yılmaz Y, Kafalı T, Evren C, Umut G. Transcranial direct current stimulation combined with cognitive training improves decision making and executive functions in opioid use disorder: a triple-blind sham-controlled pilot study. J Addict Dis. 2024; 42(2):154-165.